Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category


* Remember that your presence is a present to the world.

* Remember that you are a unique and unrepeatable creation.

* Remember that your life can be what you want it to be.

* Remember to take the days just one at a time.

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Ten Tips on Using the Positive Power of the Spoken Word

Recently I read an interesting article about positive power of the spoken words. Many problems start because of the words which we speak. I would like to brief how to improve your positive talks and avoid problems.

The ‘ten tips on using the positive power of the spoken word’ page is to remind ourselves that our words do matter. Everything we say has the potential to either heal or harm. Our words can destruct or construct, be positive or negative.

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How to Improve Your Self Confidence

Here are some quick tips to improve your Self Confidence. If we are committed to have a healthy self confidence there are many things you can do every day to boost your self confidence, each small steps that will help you to reach your goal. The good news is that self-esteem is not fixed and can be improved, try some of the steps below to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

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Art of Negotiation

To succeed in business and life you have to learn to compromise from time to time. The trick is to compromise without losing what you need to attain your goal. Earlier today I watched a vlog of Bob Parson about “You can negotiate anything”. He detailed 6 quick tips for doing it right. Here are some important stuffs he had mentioned about.

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What an employer looks for in an employee

Basic qualities

As a small business owner, I think these are the basic qualities an employer looks for in an employee:

  • They generally know how to do their job. (The level of supervision they need can vary depending on their experience.)
  • They show up for work every day.
  • There are no important problems with their personalities.
  • They have a good work ethic, and will do what their boss asks of them.

Problem employees

On the other end of the spectrum there are the “problem employees”. These are the attributes that I see in problem employees, i.e., the things that will get you fired without much notice, or will make you the first person to be laid off in a bad economy:

  • Some part of their personality is a problem. They don’t fit in, they are anti-social, constantly argumentative, they lead the gossip pool, they have a “can’t-do, sky is falling” attitude, etc.
  • They don’t give you an eight-hour workday. They either take a lot of breaks, spend a lot of time socializing, or sneaking around doing personal things that don’t pertain to work while they’re being paid to work, or have other issues in their personal lives.
  • They don’t know how to do their job.

Employees who get big raises and promotions

My final list shows the attributes of employees that get better raises and promotions than everyone else:

  • They have a positive, can-do, team-oriented personality and work ethic.
  • They get their work done with little or no supervision.
  • They offer ways to improve the way things are done.
  • They may be the best at what they do.
  • They are capable of leading or managing other people.

Where this comes from

I’m motivated to write this for several reasons. First, I’ve run into several people lately who either

(a) don’t know what they’re doing

(b) don’t put in full days

(c) have poor attitudes, what Zig Ziglar calls “a hardening of the attitude”.

While I’m in this neighborhood, this discussion reminds me of my ex-business partner. As a consultant, I worked with a small team of developers at a client site, and my partner would often say “If D, or R, or N have to come back to the office we’re going to have to lay them off”. He was extremely pessimistic for someone in a “leadership” position, and these people had done nothing to deserve to be laid off asap. They were all good people and good workers.

Alvin Alexander have worked in the programming field for 20 years now, starting with languages like Fortran and C, then moving to Java, Perl, PHP, and Ruby and heĀ  also founded a consulting company named Mission Data